VIP Strategy Session
If you're reading this page, my guess is you're starting to see that what I'm offering is totally different than all the quick-fix weight loss approaches out there.

After ten years of helping women around the world lose weight, I've found that lasting weight loss is achieved through self-respect, dignity and self-love, not through shame, self-deprivation or militant techniques.

Despite popular opinion to the contrary, I've discovered that slimming down permanently is accomplished through pleasure, not punishment.
The fastest results to pleasurable weight loss start with the pleasure of you and I diving into an intimate conversation about your weight loss journey.

I'm overjoyed with the prospect of guiding you on the journey. That's why I'm offering you a one-hour "VIP Pleasurable Weight Loss Strategy Session" with me, one-on-one.

Before you book your private VIP Pleasurable Weight Loss Strategy Session with me, I have some important questions to ask you.

Are you sick of constantly feeling self-conscious of your body?
Do you anxiously fear that you'll never manage to lose the weight?

Are you tired of looking into your closet and seeing all the clothes you wish you could fit into again, hanging there as if to taunt you?

Do you ever fear that you'll be alone the rest of your life, not able to meet your dream mate, because you're not able to reach your ideal weight, or fear you'll alienate the partner you have with your weight or food issues?

Do you long for the days when you won't be wondering whether people are judging you when they look at you?

Do you feel bogged down by fatigue, as if your weight is holding you back from doing what you want to do in life?

Are you concerned you'll never find the time to implement healthier choices?

Are you sick of feeling like a failure because you fail to lose weight?

If you'd like to step off the diet carousel for good, and achieve true, lasting weight loss results in the shortest time possible, then the best way to get started is a VIP Pleasurable Weight Loss Strategy Session.

I'll get you on the schedule quickly and coach you one-on-one.

In this Strategy Session we'll talk about the journey of your struggle to manage your weight, your fears and doubts. We'll talk about what brings you pleasure and how you may have been keeping pleasure at bay. Plus we'll cover the ways you can incorporate pleasure into your life and eating right now to stimulate effortless weight loss.

I'll also give you a view into the physiology of pleasurable weight loss so you understand how it works and can put it into practice in your life at once.
What most women don't know is that when your body is relaxed, hormonal pathways turn up your body's fat-burning capability and turn down your appetite.

The result being weight loss that feel effortless thanks to the metabolic power of pleasure.

Pleasurable weight loss is sane, healthy, natural, feminine and even fun.

The operative word is pleasure! It feels good. It feels right.

This feminine approach connects you with the natural wisdom of your female body.

As you do, you'll discover how your struggles with food begin to subside when you focus, not on how your body is failing you, but on how to listen to the voice of your body that's been telling you all along exactly what it needs.

You'll wonder why we all didn't learn this about our bodies long ago, and you'll want to share the experience of your new pleasurable lifestyle and its coinciding weight loss with the girls and women you know and love who are struggling too.

Pleasurable weight loss can liberate you from all of the misguided programming about restrictive diets that instruct us to "dominate the body into submission."


Sadly, over 95% of women who attempt to lose weight through the traditional, restrictive, "masculine" strategies find that it provides at best a temporary fix, with any weight loss being gained back within a year or two.

Or, in the worst case scenarios these so-called weight loss techniques actually backfire altogether causing you to gain weight instead.

Pleasurable weight loss is a lifestyle, not a diet. It's a positive and pleasurable change with remarkable, lasting effects.

This approach has been a revelation for the thousands of women I've worked with who have changed their lives in lasting ways. It could be a revelation for you too.

I know what it feels like to be in a constant battle with your weight and I know how you can stop this pain. If you're ready to end this struggle once and for all, and you really want to lose weight now, I can help you.

By the end of this 60-minute, private VIP Pleasurable Weight Loss Strategy Session with me by phone, you will:

⚫️  Finally understand what sabotages your weight loss efforts
⚫️  Learn how to incorporate all the exercise you need without it seeming oppressive or burdensome
⚫️  Develop a plan of action for reaching your ideal weight, WITHOUT deprivation, pills, calorie-counting, or restrictive diets
⚫️  Get enthused, excited, activated and motivated to reach your goals, without it being stressful or having to give up everything--or anything--you enjoy!

⚫️  Understand where your cravings come from, and more important, how to make them subside
⚫️  See possibilities for ending your destructive relationship with food, and how you can enjoy a wonderful relationship to what you eat.
⚫️  Come away feeling like weight loss and self-confidence are not far-off, impossible goals, but rather, easy, fast, practical, and most importantly, achievable NOW by ANYONE, even if you've had major problems losing weight in the past.
While I have space available, I am offering these 60-minute One-on-One VIP Pleasurable Weight Loss Strategy Session with me for $97.

Think of how long you've been battling with food. Think of what it would feel like for this battle to be over.

This session is the first step in the direction of finally coming to peace with food, and enjoying the wonderful, sexy, slender body you were meant to have.

By the way, I'm totally committed to you being thrilled with your investment. If for any reason you feel you didn't get 100% value for money, I will refund the fee instantly, with no questions asked.

Basically, there's no risk to you to try out my private, VIP one-on-one Pleasurable Weight Loss Strategy Session, and find out if this just might be the approach you've been looking for for years.

What do you have to lose, except your unwanted extra weight?

Pleasurable Weight Loss
New York, New York
Phone: 212-260-6064