Birgitte Philippides
“Through my work with Jena I have lost 37 pounds and kept it off. My cholesterol has gone down from 208 to 128. I now eat to live, not live to eat. Food is no longer a full-time job for me.”

“I used to use food as a drug. It made me feel good, and covered up pain, loss, insecurity, stress, and a myriad of other issues. I was 212 pounds. It was costing me my entire life, to the point where I could barely even function.”

Birgitte Philippides

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Sarah Jenks

“I lost 40 pounds AND have completely transformed my romantic relationship. To have the freedom around food has been tremendous–I can AT LAST live my life.”

“I’ve been on and off diets for most of my life. I couldn’t keep foods like cookies or ice cream in the house, because they would set off a binge for me. I’d finish the lot! Weight gain, of course, resulted and constant anxiety. Food is everywhere and when I couldn’t be comfortable around it, I was constantly uncomfortable.

Being overweight was affecting my relationship with my fiancé. Our sex life had diminished. I was really sensitive to any comments he made about my body. If the comment was either negative or neutral, I took it as an insult, and if it was a compliment I never believed him! This created a lot of stress in our relationship!!”

Sarah Jenks,
Nutritional consultant, NYC

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“Learn to lose all uncomfortable weight with joy, feeling hot and sexy while you’re doing it.”

“If you want to finally lose all of that uncomfortable weight with joy, and feel hot and sexy while you’re doing it–you can’t do better than Jena la Flamme’s Pleasurable Weight Loss. I love Jena and I know you will too!!”

Regena Thomashauer, Author of The Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts,

Dominique Hackett

Thank you, Jena. Your help, along with my meditation has gotten me from a size 10 to a size 2 – 4, just like you predicted, and it’s stayed off for 7 months now, with no dieting, just gentle loving of myself.

“Plus you’ll smile to hear that I’ve never eaten more chocolate than I have this past year! Your Pleasurable Weight Loss approach really does work.”

Dominique Hackett, CFO and meditation teacher,
Santa Barbara, CA

Megan la Russa

“When I started working with Jena la Flamme I was living in New York, working the fashion industry with a lot of pressure about weight and body image and looking the part.”

“My self esteem was really low. I had put on fifteen pounds, which may not sound like a lot, but I’m short and it just really added up and again, being in the fashion industry I couldn’t fit into my clothes. I felt lethargic and had no energy for my job. I was becoming depressed, especially in the winter months when it was cold and snowing, I didn’t want to leave my bed. It had gotten really bad.”

Megan la Russa,
Style Expert,
Birmingham, AL

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“Jena is leading the pleasure tribe.”

“What Jena is teaching is revolutionary in the weight loss industry. Geneen Roth’s Women Food & God, and Marianne Williamson’s A Course in Weightloss are part of this paradigm, and Jena is right there with them, leading the pleasure tribe. This is a methodology, and a ministry — and it’s about time.”

Danielle LaPorte, Author of The Fire Starter Sessions,

Judy Ransom

“Lost 7 More Pounds – Finally Down To A Size 12”

I finally reopened my wardrobe boxes of clothes I thought I’d never fit back into. I can’t wear my size 16 jeans anymore — just bought a size 12! I’ve lost 23 pounds since in May! I had reached a plateau before attending Pleasure Camp, but Jena’s coaching, insight, and teaching kick-started my losing streak! I’m finally down to the 150’s, and looking forward to losing more! I thought it was impossible, but Jena gave me hope … and a new attitude! I’m now a flaming red-head with a short cut, and I’m loving it! Thanks, Jena, for getting me started on an exciting, new path! I’m thrilled with this new life!

Judy Ransom, Marketing Consultant, Panama City Beach, FL

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Dana Palumbo

“I’ve lost 20 pounds and kept it off without counting one single calorie”

When I came to Jena I was 20 pounds overweight, lost and unhappy about it. I’d tried fad diet after fad diet, run hundreds of miles on the treadmill, but I had not lost a pound.

I knew something was off, but thought if I just had more willpower or made it to the gym more, the weight would come off.

It was a miserable approach. I was miserable because of it. That’s when I found Jena. She was thin, pretty and blond. I figured she must know something I didn’t.

Dana Palumbo, Health Coach.

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“Jena takes a powerful stand for us to enjoy everything and get healthy in the process.”

“Jena la Flamme is at the leading edge of a new era in weight loss for women. She takes a powerful stand for us to enjoy food, enjoy our bodies and become healthy and vibrantly alive in the process. If you want to enjoy the skin you’re in and get the body you’ve always wanted, look no further. Jena will guide you every pleasurable step of the way.”

Marie Forleo, Creator of Rich Happy & Hot,

“Jena la Flamme is a genius.”

“Aside from being one of the most embodied and powerful feminine goddesses I know, she is a truly unique creature and a masterful coach. She has facilitated me to meet my animal body for the first time and not only made friends with her, but actually activated a loving, curious, and reverent relationship with her. My body is tingling with aliveness and anticipation of the pleasures that follow.”

Jody England, Head Evolutionary at Untamed You,

Kiva Leatherman

“I’m finally at peace with my weight and with food. I now feel complete gratitude for my 40-year old body.”

When I met Jena, I’d lived with a lifetime of “supposed to’s” and “not good enough’s” ruling my feelings about my body. As early as the 7th grade I was told that my hips were too big. I was a dancer and this led to a constant battle to stay lean and fit.

As I approached 40, although I knew according to other people I looked “pretty good for my age,” I never felt good enough for my own expectations. As dancing started to hurt more and more, and I couldn’t continue the way I wanted, I felt more and more disconnected from and resentful of my body.

Attending Jena’s Pleasure Camp allowed me to reconnect with the love I have for my body and for food, and to let go of the resentment, the guilt, the “supposed to’s” and the “should’s.” I’ve now found ways to move my body that are enjoyable. I enjoy food without guilt. I lost the five pounds that were nagging me, and because I did it pleasurably, they stayed off.

Kiva Leatherman, Women’s Empowerment Expert.

Jane Ashley

“I’ve lost 10 lbs. I’m a better mother. I can now finally be a role model healthy body image to my three daughters.”

As a holistic practitioner and coach myself, I still continue to journey on my path towards loving myself, and honoring my body as a divine temple. Attending Jena’s Pleasure Camp was an amazing weekend of growth and transformation for me in this respect.

Since then I’ve lost 10 pounds and have a new relationship with food. I’m now a better mother because I’m finally able to be a role model of healthy body image for my three daughters. This is truly one of the biggest breakthroughs of my life. Jena’s wisdom has changed how I feel about myself, my worth, and my role as a feminine creature on this planet.

Jane Ashley, Founder and Creative Director, CA

“If you’ve been struggling with emotional eating, cravings, binges, hiding out, or not loving the skin your in, don’t even hesitate to work with Jena.”

“Jena is one of those women that inspires ALIVE-NESS in you. Pleasurable weight loss is all about a paradigm shift. A shift away from the traditional “eat less, exercise more” or “no pain, no gain” approach to one that embraces femininity, sensuality and radical self-acceptance. The way we do food is the way we do everything. It’s not just what you eat but HOW you eat. Who knew that weight loss could be so sexy, sustainable and fun? When I look for a coach, I’m always looking for someone who authentically models what I want to do for myself. Jena walks her talk like nobody’s biz. If you’ve been struggling with emotional eating, cravings, binges, hiding out, or not loving the skin your in, then don’t even hesitate to work with Jena. It will change your life on a deep level while giving you the body you’ve always wanted but thought you’d have to suffer too much to get.”

Stacey Morgenstern, Holistic Health’s 6-Figure Money & Marketing Mentor,

“Women are hungry for creative new approaches to weight loss.”

“Through ten years of coaching, Jena la Flamme has devised a unique and pleasurable approach to a topic often filled with pain and suffering.”

Joshua Rosenthal, Founder of Institute for Integrative Nutrition,

Jennifer Purrenhage

“I’ve lost 15 pounds & have let go of the extreme frustration connected to weight loss as far back as I can remember.”

“Working with Jena was one of the best investments I’ve ever made in myself. For years, I’d been unable to lose weight, regardless of diet and exercise. Jena helped me explore my body’s wisdom in holding onto that weight, and she guided me to integrate the lessons of my past fears about weight loss with my current desires. Making this mind-body shift – and reinforcing it with meditation – has made all the difference. I’ve continued to lose weight – I’m down a total of 15 pounds – and, perhaps more importantly, I’ve let go of the extreme frustration that was connected to weight loss as far back as I can remember. My choices are now truly pleasure-based. I feel empowered, at ease, and grateful for Jena’s unique gifts.”

Jennifer Purrenhage, PhD (Biologist, Tea Alchemist)

Letty R.

“Jena’s program is truly revolutionary! I’ve already lost five pounds without counting, measuring, writing, balancing, or stressing out.”

“Jena’s program is truly revolutionary! Take it from me: I’ve done every single diet under the sun since I was 9 years old. You would think that years of suffering, denying myself, working out, and obsessing would have resulted in a wonderful figure. But no. At my highest I was 190 pounds. I never reached the “magic number, and then I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and gained ten pounds seemingly overnight.

Jena’s online Weight Loss Pleasure Camp has been life-changing! It harnesses the power of the feminine, and restores the balance between body, mind, and soul. It’s not about punishment or rigidity. It’s about the “Discipline of Pleasure” and “Honoring your Body.” I’ve already lost five pounds without counting, measuring, writing, balancing, or stressing out. Thank you Jena!”

Letty R.
Miami, FL

“This is a edge-cutting frontier every woman struggling with body angst, extra weight, and low self-esteem owes herself to visit.”

“As I contemplate all the countless collective hours we women waste on bashing, punishing and torturing ourselves over food and our bodies, I simply sob for the intelligence, creativity and sheer power that is lost in that madness. Pleasurable Weightloss is a wild, vital, edge-cutting frontier that every woman struggling with body angst, extra weight, eating disorders, low self-esteem and destructive self-behaviors owes it to herself to visit.”

“I’ve had the pleasure of knowing my friend and colleague Jena for over 10 years, during which I watched her peel away body and food burdens, like layers of an onion, revealing not only a healthy, strong, naturally-slim body for herself, but a clear, repeatable, pleasurable path for any woman to have the same result. As I see it, Jena’s not only makes women’s lives a safe haven for bodies they adore, she moonlights as an undercover agent for the brilliant flowering and true pleasurable expression of Woman.”

LiYana Silver, Relationship Expert and Coach,

Alicia Stanton

“Attending Jena’s “Pleasure Camp” opened so many doors for me! She showed me that my body was using weight gain as a way to cry out for attention and that weight loss could come naturally when the right conditions are in place. Pleasure Camp is where you find out exactly what YOUR conditions are and how you can put them into place to have the healthy, sexy body you want.”

Alicia Stanton, MD,
Integrative Medicine Physician, Author & International Speaker

“Just like there is only one Picasso, Mozart, or Michelangelo, there is only one Jena.”

“Jena is an extraordinary woman of power, beauty, and determination, and she puts every ounce of it into her work. We each have thousands of parts of ourselves, sometimes waring with each other, and our real behavior is the average of their intentions. Nowhere is this more evident than in the gap between desire and behavior for many around weight loss. Jena is a master whisperer of all of your parts, cajoling, encouraging, and seducing them to work together to create the integrated experience of your body that you want. Just like there is only one Picasso, Mozart, or Michelangelo, there is only one Jena – You falling in love with your body is her art, and your hidden beliefs and secret desires are her medium.”

Bryan Franklin, Executive Coach and Transformational Leader,

Patricia Heard Greene

“Losing weight and feeling great about my body has freed me up to create so many wonderful changes in my life. I’m so much happier.”

“I recently did some blood work and am thrilled to say my numbers were so good I was referred to as a healthy 20 year old!! Really cool to the ears of a 39 year old. I have lost weight and my eating habits are truly wonderful!!! Thank you Jena! I speak highly of you on my personal travels!”

Patricia Heard Greene

Jenna Ritter

“I’ve never needed to worry about weight since. I re-enegrized and re-fueled me into balance with food any my body”

“I am now feeling consistently great overall!! No more headaches, body aches, cramping – better digestion, more energy. I have a sense of being more grounded and clear in the mind. Feelings of anxiety have dissipated. A feeling of being complete and whole – and able to bring this to activities and relationships in my life – has arisen. I really felt that everything was tailored to my needs and desires. The recipes and literature really helped me to cement my learning. The practicality, the simplicity, and being really supported by Jena and her team have had a tremendous impact on my life. I simply live differently after this coaching!”

Jenna Ritter,
Founder & Executive Director, Dhara

“One conversation with Jena and you realize she can help ANYONE kiss their yo-yo dieting and low self-esteem goodbye forever.”

“One look at Jena and you KNOW she walks her talk. The woman is gorgeous, playful, angelic, and CLEARLY connected to her own pleasure. One conversation with her and you realize she can help ANYONE kiss their yo-yo dieting and low self-esteem goodbye forever… Hellooo to pleasurable weight loss! What a brilliant and wildly effective counterintuitive concept!”

Kris Ward, Founder of Abundant Yogi,

Shanda Sumpter

“I looked great to the outside world, but inside weight is something I always battled with, literally my whole life, and now it’s been lifted.”

“When I spoke with Jena I had tears in my eyes. The freedom she brought into my space was miraculous. Literally my whole life I have been working on breaking emotional eating. I’ve been cleansing, and cleansing and cleansing just to keep myself at a size 2, looking great to the outside world, but on the inside it’s something I always battled with. Furthermore being a success coach myself, that’s been the one area where I haven’t been able to find success and that has been frustrating! Jena teachings brought this incredible freedom with food to me, and a weight has been lifted.”

Shanda Sumpter, Success Coach for Women

Anya Kamenetz

“Jena’s approach was excellent from the point of view of being very holistic.”

“The program also maintained a grounding in science and actual insight about nutrition, eating and exercise. I felt like there was continuity and plenty of connection throughout.

In terms of the changes I’ve experienced, pizza and bagels have lost their appeal. By getting rid of these cravings I feel more confident and more in control. I don’t feel like there is an outside force imposing on me to eat more healthy. I simply have a healthy relationship with what I eat! Whereas before my energy fluctuated, I have even keel energy all day. It makes my whole day easier. I’ve lost weight and toned by body in the process.

Over all it’s an incredibly motivating program. If you want to see a personal trainer for your body, or a therapist for your mind, then this is for the mind-body connection. Jena’s program incorporates elements of all of those. I definitely recommend it.”

Anya Kamenetz,
Journalist, Fast Company,

“Jena simply, clearly, joyfully teaches us how to drop the struggle with weight.”

“Jena is a revolutionary — a living, breathing example of what’s possible when a woman is given the RIGHT owner’s manual to her body. She is pleasure incarnate – a woman giving the rest of us permission to own and enjoy our natural, feminine power.

In this fast-paced world where we are brainwashed to believe that “efforting” gets us what we want, Jena’s work blows the lid on this outdated mythology. She simply, clearly, joyfully teaches us how to drop the struggle with weight, and flow into our natural, graceful perfection. From honest experience, she walks her talk — showing us what the “new woman” can (and will) be.

The topic of food and weight is near and dear to my heart — my struggle with food was very thing that began my own personal transformation over 20 years ago — so when I see how beautifully Jena embodies the core truth and message about the REAL way to lasting weightless, I want to shout her name from the mountaintops! In a world where so many women are engulfed in a war with their bodies, there are only a few shining soldiers out there showing another way — and Jena is on the frontlines. ”

Stephanie McWilliams, Former Host of HGTV’s Fun Shui and Leader of the Unstoppables,

Lisa Fabrega

“Jena’s Pleasure Camp blew me away and brought me deeper into pleasure than I ever thought possible.”

Since then I’ve seen the ripple effect across my life, in how I’m approaching my workday, my relationships, and how I relate with my body. I’m owning my power and my sexiness more, and I’m owning my that I have every right to have pleasure in my life.

Nobody is teaching the stuff that Jena’s teaching – it is truly revolutionary. Plus she practices what she preaches. She lives her teachings. You can see it and feel it in the room, and you can’t help but be inspired to do the same. If you really want to understand why you’re having trouble losing weight and want to finally get to the root of it, I would definitely recommend working with Jena.

Lisa Fabrega,
Pleasurable Detox Coach

Roberta Lemes

“Thank you for rescuing the woman I always knew was inside me.”

“I’m so different from the woman I was when I first came to Jena. It’s been amazing. Before I started her Pleasure Immersion, I can safely say I was not “in my body.” My body and mind felt completely disconnected. Whenever I had a feeling of happiness, sadness or anything in between, I would stuff it down with food and not really feel it. I would fill up instead of feeling. Now my mind and body are connected, and this connection is here to stay for life. Thank you, Jena, from the bottom of my heart, for rescuing the Roberta I always knew was inside, but up until now I couldn’t bring out. Working with you has been literally a pleasure – pun intended! I’m really glad I found this refreshing approach to weight loss.”

Roberta Lemes

“If you want to have the body you love, and love the skin you’re in, get Jena on your side.”

“Jena is your body’s best friend. She has a highly fine tuned skill for uncovering where a woman is betraying her body, and delicately yet effectively setting the relationship straight. Her happy clients and their results speak for themselves, and I can attest that her pleasure prowess is the most potent I’ve seen. If you want to have the body you love, and love the skin you’re in, get Jena on your side.”

Nisha Moodley, Lifestyle Design for Women Entrepreneurs,

Kate H

“Pleasure camp was different, special and perfect–one of the more special weeks of my life.”

“I went to Pleasure Camp hopeful, but skeptical, and I left Pleasure Camp, both transformed, and a true believer in the power of pleasure, and a true believer of working with Jena la Flamme.

Yes, I’ve struggled with weight, but ‘heavier’ than weight, I’ve struggled with bad body image and a lack of self-compassion, for as long as I can remember. I’ve explored self-growth retreats and communities before, but Pleasure Camp was different, special and perfect. It provided a safe and sacred space to explore real issues and learn about the true power of pleasure.

Though it’s called Weight Loss Pleasure Camp, and there is a focus on weight loss, the tools and exercises you learn are applicable to any issue or struggle you might find yourself facing.

Jena is a truly radiant and gifted person who makes space for you to learn, love and live. Pleasure camp was one of the more special weeks of my life for which I’m grateful.”

Kate H. Scientist, Brooklyn, NY

“Pleasure Camp has changed everything for me: my confidence, my relationships, my career. I’m now at my happy weight and don’t think about my weight anymore.”

Julia Allison, Journalist, Author, Bravo TV Star

“Jena’s approach to weight loss and female empowerment is revolutionary.”

“Jena is a revolutionary soul, breaking the boundaries of how “things are done.” She approaches weight loss and female empowerment from an entirely new perspective – and one that works! She knows her stuff, walks her talk and deeply cares. You will be inspired just being around her.”

Cynthia Stadd,

“I don’t struggle with my weight anymore. Clothes that before were too tight now fit perfectly. I’m in love with my body and it totally shows.”

Sacha Lalla, Non-Profit Director

“I lost over 10 pounds, but I also lost a LOT more. I actually enjoy looking at my body now, and for me that is the most revolutionary of all. I’ve realized the more love I get, the more weight I lose.”

Dana Smith, Entrepreneur

“Jena has helped thousands of women–there’s nobody who can do what she does in the field of pleasurable weight loss.”

“Jena is a total Goddess and High Priestess of the highest order! She has helped thousands of women all over the world and there’s nobody who can do what she does in the field of pleasurable weight loss. Jena has quite a unique gift that serves as a total light in the world–she’s truly a revolutionary trailblazer. Anyone who has the honor of working with this fireball of light and love is in for the treat of their lives!”

Rose Cole, Holistic Health Expert,

“I feel better about my body. My self-esteem is higher. I now seek out pleasure and experiences that make me satisfied and happy.”

Joyce Shotwell, Computer Programmer

“Jena has tapped into something that has been missing.”

Iris Misshula, Yoga teacher and coach

“Jena embodies her teachings in a way that her very presence is inspiring.”

“There are very few weight loss coaches who really know how to create lasting transformation, and Jena is one of them. Not only does she really get it, but she embodies what she teaches in such a way that her very presence is inspiring. If you are lucky enough to work with her, you will be very glad you did.”

Renee Stephens, Weight Loss Coach and Author

“Jena is able to face any challenge and go for it. There’s a fearlessness there.”

Sarah Vainstein, Theta Healer

“I do feel like there are some internal shifts that are happening”

Wendy Erhlich, Producer

Saida Desilets

“In the mass array of weigh-loss experts, there is only one who truly stands out”

“Jena La Flamme! Her cutting-edge understanding of how pleasure is the secret to permanent weight-loss is nothing short of revolutionary. Jena’s dedication, joy, and embodied wisdom of what it means to be healthy, vibrant, and living a pleasure-full life touches everyone she meets.”

Saida Désilets, PhD, Author of The Emergence of the Sensual Woman,

“Jena is a revolutionary who changed my life without a doubt. I’m so lucky I had the opportunity to go to Pleasure Camp”

Gabriella, Health Coach

“I’m finally done with all those crazy diets and shame feelings. I feel happy and peaceful in my body. I couldn’t have done it without Pleasure Camp.”

Mary Catherine, Personal Trainer

KC Baker

“For any woman who wants to love herself, her body and her life, Jena is a gift.”

“One of the most brilliant women I know is Jena la Flamme. I have learned more from this woman than I can express. She is a master teacher of living a life of devotion to pleasure, and is one of the most radiant women on Earth. I highly recommend her teachings to any woman who wants to truly love herself and her life.”

KC Baker, Women’s Thought Leadership and Public Speaking Trainer

To become a pleasurable weight loss success story yourself, click here to check out our weight loss programs.

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