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Birgitte Philippides

Through my work with Jena I have lost 37 pounds and kept it off. My cholesterol has gone down from 208 to 128. I now eat to live, not live to eat. Food is no longer a full-time job for me.

“I used to use food as a drug. It made me feel good, and covered up pain, loss, insecurity, stress, and a myriad of other issues. I was 212 pounds. It was costing me my entire life, to the point where I could barely even function.

I always sensed there was a better way than being trapped down to some crazy diet for the rest of my life as the solution, I knew I needed to find a program that would guide and teach me about food and health in a new and different way, a way to get more in touch with my body and help me listen to it.

Through my work with Jena I have lost 37 pounds and kept it off. My cholesterol has gone down from 208 to 128.

I have a whole new life and have more time and energy to pursue my dreams. At 41 years old, I feel the best I’ve ever felt. I eat what I want and everyday I always make sure that I have special treats and food that tastes exquisite and nurturing. I feel a sense of freedom with food that I never thought was possible nor existed. Thank you, Jena for this incredible program!”

Birgitte Philippides

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