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Judy Ransom

I’ve got a new “problem” … hardly any of my clothes fit anymore–they are all too big!

I went out with friends last night, before leaving town this morning. A friend asked, “Why are you wearing a loose top and not showing off your beauty?” “Because,” I said, “everything that fits is packed!” While packing, I went through an entire closet of size 18 & 16 clothes, and managed to find a few 14 & 12’s that fit … looks like another trip to Goodwill, and then off to shop!

I finally started seeking my own happiness before meeting you, Jena, and made some big decisions to eliminate unhealthy stress and toxic relationships in my life. The pounds started melting away, but I was still an emotional wreck when we first spoke … and my weight loss had reached a plateau.

Since attending your Pleasure Camp, I no longer feel guilty about seeking pleasure … in fact, I relish in it. The pounds continue to drop, and now my goal for reaching a size 10 (which I had totally given up on for the past decade) is now a realistically obtainable goal!

Honestly, Jena, I tried everything — vegetarian, fasting, juicing, Atkins, nutritional counseling — and I am very disciplined about sticking to a plan for six months to a year at a time … on each strategy I thought would work. Zip, nada, not even a POUND dropped … and I kept gaining! I was terrified! Embarrassed to be in a photo or to go out in public! Terrified about my health!

But when I finally realized it was not only good … but necessary for my SURVIVAL … to seek happiness, that was a major breakthrough. I, the student, was ready … and you, the teacher, appeared.

I’ve had many coaches and mentors in other areas of my life, Jena, and I must say, I’ve been very impressed with your passion and desire to help women. You’re very approachable, compassionate, and willing to plunge into someone’s life — to help them with your insight and knowledge.

This morning a contractor asked me, “Was that a picture of you DANCING on Facebook?” “Yes, and last night I sang Karaoke and had a blast!”

Weight loss the pleasurable way is the ONLY way, Jena, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for igniting new hope within me … after I had all but given up.
Keep proclaiming your message!

Judy Ransom, Marketing Consultant, Panama City Beach, FL

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