How I’m healing at the P*ssy Mansion

Truth be told, I’m emerging from a dark time, and stepping back into the light of the privilege of being alive. 💡

The child in my womb is motivating me to turn a corner from depression, to release guilt, and to return to my essence of Erotic Innocence. 🔥

Before I give birth to her, I’m being reborn myself. I don’t want her to bear the burden of the sadness I’ve been carrying, so I’m doing the “work” to heal my pain. 🤕

And what better way to heal pain than by rejuvenating my soul at the Pussy Mansion?!!

What is the Pussy Mansion? It’s a co-working vacation with 13 colleagues in the Greek islands. 🇬🇷

Anticipating this trip, I knew the flight from California would be arduous. It’s hard enough for me to sleep in a bed, never mind on a plane! But with the thumbs up from my midwife that it was safe to travel, I surrendered to the magnetic attraction of this adventure. 💙

After all, this will be the last time in a long time that I can travel without childcare considerations.

My companions at the “Pussy Mansion” are all female sexuality coaches who champion to power of the p*ssy to liberate women and make the world a better place. 👭👭

We reclaim the word p*ssy, that has been denigrated by so many, as a playful symbol of the pleasure that’s freely available to any women willing to dive into the waters of her feminine soul. 🌸

We share the same conviction that more Pleasure equates:

💎 Better health and vitality
💎 More fulfillment and creative juices flowing
💎 More personal growth and personal power
💎 More trust, openness and connection
💎 More spirituality and presence
💎 More courage
💎 And the list goes on…

Rather than just philosophizing about it, this week I’m living it, stretching my own edges when it comes to being receptive to pleasure. 🤲

I’m swimming in azure waters.
I’m eating exquisite, fresh Greek food.
I’m wearing little to nothing around the pool in the heat of the day.
I’m shaking my booty and big belly during dance breaks with my sisters.
I’m reading a book called “Orgasmic Birth.”

I’m bonding with amazing, like-minded women.

And as a result, I’m stripping off old layers of stress and stagnancy. I’m letting my spirit shine, and I’m definitely feeling the benefit. ✨

As the wise ones say, Pleasure heals. ❤️‍🩹

Much love,

P.S. I’ll soon be inviting you to a free webinar to get you into the same vibration. It’s not the same as a trip to Greece, but it’s more convenient and accessible, and we will dive into the sacred waters of Pleasure together all the same. Stay tuned…

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