Hello 2019 & my 11:11 Anniversary

How are you, beauty?! Happy New Year! May 2019 bring you potent growth and expansion into your Erotic Innocence, sensual satisfaction, and body confidence. I hope to be part of your path this year and would love to hear your story along the way.

I’m finally emerging from my Winter Solstice cocoon of stillness and inward contemplation, to greet you, and the New Year, with pleasurable gusto.

Today, January 11th, is my second wedding anniversary to my beloved husband, Sacha. We chose this date to invoke the symbolism of the numerical sequence 11:11. The visual represents two trees standing side by side, with roots lovingly intertwined, yet each individually sovereign, resilient, and strong.
11:11 represents our equality as partners, and our nature as Divine Mirrors for each other.

So how are we doing after two years of marriage? The first year was a breeze, like living in blissful honey. And it’s true what they say about every couple reaching that painful moment of feeling that the “honeymoon is over,” which is where the real work of long-term relationship begins.

We’ve reach the second stage, and our current challenge is living on different continents. For personal and professional reasons Sacha needs to be in Europe, and I need to be in California, so for 2019 we are experiencing what it’s like to be in a long distance relationship.

So on our second anniversary, you can imagine how much I long to be physically in the arms of my beloved, to whom I am devoted with all my heart. However, we instead spent time together through the wonders of the web, and had a yummy Skype date, sharing our love to the fullest extent possible.

That included me sharing a romantic and groovy playlist. It’s only 4 songs. You can hear them here and sing and dance to them as we did. Enjoy!

Since he’s been gone I’ve been acutely aware of all the ways he helps and benefits my life, and how much more I have to make it all happen alone. I could count on him for so much support, and I felt so nourished and held. Great music, delicious gourmet food, and the mood of magic are guaranteed in his presence, which allowed me to become a bit passive in those regards. Now my challenge is to find the wonderful qualities I see in him, and have loved through him, also in myself, and to live them fully as my own.

Sacha has taught me so much. I’m a better person from being his partner. I know love more profoundly, and I have more to offer the world.

The mystery of our Love is unfolding.
I am a devotee of the Great Mystery.
I trust the twisting Path before me. 

Thanks for being part of my world in 2018.

I promise you exciting offerings to come, and the adventure of a lifetime to sacred sexual empowerment, self-love, and body confidence, the vitamins we all need.

How’s your new year starting out? Any gems of wisdom for long-distance relationships? Please share them in the blog comments.

With love,

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  • Nancy

    I am sorry to hear you are apart. Sometimes one of you just has to go where the other is. At great cost, yes, but consider the value of your marriage 🙂

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