Do you give yourself permission to be beautiful?

Permission to be beautiful. It’s a thing. 🦄

Either you give it to yourself and you enjoy your curves, your hair and your unique look…
Or you don’t, and instead you spout a thousand made up justifications about why you are clearly not beautiful, or at last not beautiful enough.

In this patriarchal society, the masculine is idolized and praising the feminine is taboo. 👎
The trickle down effect is that allowing yourself to praise your own beauty is also taboo! 🙅

As a result we’re a culture full of women who feel inadequate about our beauties and our bodies, and disenfranchised from our sexual power, which is detrimental to our brain power and mental health. Neuroscience has proved this with the study of the brain-vagina connection. 🛡️

Get this…Harboring the thought that your Pussy is not beautiful, in the long term, has an effect on your brain that effects your levels of confidence and audacity to be a leader and change-maker that speaks out. 💡

In other words, feeling beautiful is political.
Feeling like a glorious, sensual goddess 👑, who relishes her feminine flesh, warts and all, is one of the most powerful protests you can make towards the patriarchy.

When you feel shitty about your cellulite, stretch marks, belly or thighs…the powers that be prosper. When you choose to step into what I call Unshakable Body Confidence, and I do, and we all do together…woah, that’s a world-changing movement that change the world. 💫

Divine woman, realize that you can:
💟 Unwind old conditioning that’s keeping you bound in patterns of self-criticism, body shame, or sexual guilty
💟 Shed light on your own underlying sensual superpowers so that you can enjoy them anytime you want
💟 Embody the Sensual Siren in your daily life, no matter the phase of your existence

I call this work an ACTIVATION for a reason.

I’m here to wake up a force inside you that’s been suppressed in women far and wide. Together we have the safety to wake up and rise up together. I’m looking out for you!

Let’s blow your body confidence and siren power to the stars.

Devoted to your pleasure,

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