Despite its recent exposure in the U.S., tongue cleaning is not a new practice. Long before we had terms like “plaque” and “halitosis,” tongue scraping was a common practice in many cultures such as ancient Egypt, China and India.

The idea behind tongue scraping is simple: old mucus from meat, sugar, dairy and processed foods previously eaten form a layer of coating on the tongue. This not only masks the taste of food by coating the taste buds, but also keeps us tasting and craving those “old” foods.

Therefore, when starting to eat and enjoy natural foods such as vegetables and whole grains, the odds are against us if old mucus residues are on the tongue, as well as oral bacteria and debris.

Tongue scraping helps to eliminate the layer of mucus by physically scraping it off on a daily basis, as opposed to brushing one’s tongue, which usually does little more than mash the mucus and bacterial debris down into the tongue.

Tongue scraping also reduces breath odors and bacteria by 75%, making breath fresh. And, it’s safe and natural!

People report dramatically reduced cravings, the ability to better TASTE the essence of clean food and, as a result, weight loss, control over bingeing and cleaner breath after using the tongue scraper 2-3 times a day.

How to use the tongue scraper

  • Apply a few quick strokes, 2 – 3 times a day.
  • Use the rounded cleaning edge to scrape gently down the tongue several times while applying slight pressure.
  • Rinse under running water and gently scrape again until no white residue is left.
  • There should be no pain or gagging involved whatsoever. If you feel any discomfort, you’re probably scraping too hard or starting too far back on the tongue.
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