
  • Lite popcorn, or plain popcorn popped in paper bag in microwave/ or use coconut oil to pop in a covered pan
  • frozen grapes
  • 1 – 2 hard pretzels – the large Bavarian variety
  • apple
  • carrots – particularly the super sweet, organic baby carrots
  • crunchy crudités of veggies and dip (humus, tabouli, vinaigrette, favorite dressing)
  • celery and almond/peanut butter (use the non-hydrogenated – hydrogenated fats are plastic fats – not good!)
  • whole grain toast, baby carrots, rice crackers with humus


  • organic carrots
  • organic yogurt and over ripe fruit – all kinds of flavors to enjoy
  • fresh, whole fruit
  • leftover grains – (i.e. brown rice, quinoa, spelt) drizzle maple syrup and cinnamon; add soy milk and bananas, heat and enjoy warm oatmeal-like porridge, cook grains in fruit juice (i.e. apple),
  • smoothies – mix any of the following – whatever you have in the kitchen: fruit, ice…soy milk, yogurt, protein powder, carob powder, fruit juice, etc…
  • frozen yogurt – freeze your own!
  • fruit “ice cream” – peel a banana, freeze, blend in a food processor with nuts, berries or raisins and serve
  • freshly squeezed fruit juices – make your own; try different combos
  • rice pudding
  • sweet vegetables – yams, sweet potatoes, squashes (acorn, butternut, kabocha) – score with knife, sprinkle cinnamon, bake • dried fruit mix and dark chocolate chips


  • tortilla chips and fresh salsa – try whole grain chips such as “Garden of Eatin” Brand in health food stores and try freshly made salsa vs. shelved and processed stuff.
  • pickles
  • sauerkraut – it will also knock your sweet craving right out!
  • olives
  • fresh lime/lemon juice as seasonings or in beverage
  • tabouleh, humus
  • roasted peanuts or other nuts (make your own trail mix)
  • steamed and lightly salted, edamame pods
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