Learn about Danyelle Demchock’s Gluten Free & Gorgeous Detox here

I use Danyelle’s “Gluten-free & Gorgeous” strategies personally and in my work with my clients–and here you can learn from the source.

I have so much respect for her teachings, I invited Danyelle as a guest expert at my live Pleasure Camp NYC event. Since then, our online community, “the Pleasure Campus,” has been abuzz with reports from the “Pleasure Campers” about experimentation with gluten-free eating.

Furthermore, I believe so much in her program that when you enroll in Danyelle’s program, I’ll happily throw in as an added bonus:
– An additional training in Pleasurable Weight Loss, the sequel to my $197 virtual Weight Loss Pleasure Camp program.
– Plus, Danyelle will give you a $200 discount off the program if you join by Friday (the coupon code you’ll need is below) AND also free access to a group coaching call with her, where you can have your individual questions answered directly.

Here’s how it all works:

1. Enroll in Danyelle Demchock’s Gluten-Free & Gorgeous program by clicking here. Use the coupon code GORGEOUSME for your $200 discount & access to a live group coaching call.
2. In two weeks, Danyelle will send me the list of people who signed up via my link.
3. I will then send you access to the Weight Loss Pleasure Camp II that remains permanently yours.
4. This offer expires on Friday, December 9th, at Midnight Pacific U.S.

That’s it!

Finally, here’s a thought:

You deserve to feel gorgeous on every level. Part of doing that is feeding yourself food that feels “gorgeous” as it goes through your whole system too, not just momentarily in your mouth, and eating gluten-free, I’ve discovered through real-life experience, is an important part of that.

The best way to empower yourself is to educate yourself, and Danyelle teaches this topic at a far more in-depth level than I ever will, which is why I’m recommending her program.

Wishing you pleasure in your explorations and discovery,

xo Jena

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