Congratulations! If you’re reading this page, you’ve shown you’re serious about attaining your goals and desires by taking the no-obligation and no-risk Pleasurable Weight Loss Clarity Challenge.

Your reward is a totally free test drive of my pleasurable weight loss coaching delivered, via my custom audio recording, straight to your inbox.

Taking this step is a meaningful sign – you might be surprised to learn that many women, no matter how much they resent their situation, aren’t ready to put an end their struggle. They won’t even take an offer like this when it’s dangling, free of charge, right in front of them. As much as they may prefer to blame others for their setbacks, many women hold themselves back from success.

So let’s start with one step. Tell me the biggest obstacle holding you back right now.

You’ll hear back from my assistant (who takes your privacy as seriously as I do) right away–she’ll tell you when she’s scheduled time for me to send you your free, 100% custom audio consult. It’s a recording of me, coaching you on your situation and solution–delivered straight to your inbox. It’ll show you which obstacles are in your way and how to side-step them in a feminine and pleasurable way–without restriction or deprivation-–to get moving towards a lighter, freer, happier you.

The only catch is this: If you don’t give me enough detail to be able to provide useful answers, I won’t give you any answer. It takes time to record these customized clarity sessions and I give that time to the people who invest a little time and thought to my questionnaire. One word answers waste both your time and mine.

Ready? Let’s go…

The Pleasurable Weight Loss Clarity Session Questionnaire

    1. Please indicate your name:
    First Name:

    Last Name:

    2. What email address should I send your custom report to?

    3. How long have you been struggling with weight and/or related concerns?

    4. Which 3 areas are most important for you to see improvement in?
    Weight LossEmotional EatingBody imageLow EnergyDigestive issuesDepressionAnxietySelf-EsteemFood CravingsStressHeadachesPoor SleepAuto-immune DiseaseHormonal IssuesOther

    5. Where are you feeling the most stuck in your weight loss process right now?

    6. Instead of "stuck", where would you like to be?

    7. If you could change one thing about your own thinking/behavior to help you achieve your goal, what would it be?

    8. Lastly, where did you hear about me?

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