Pre-Valentine Self-Love Party
Hosted by Jena la Flamme
A celebration in honor of self-confidence, self-worth, self-compassion, great body image, and your natural born birthright to experience pleasure in your female animal body.
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Free Webinar
Pre-Valentine Self-Love Party
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
7:00 PM - 8:00PM (EST)

Woman, are you hard on yourself and critical of your body? Does self-doubt take over and hold you back from confidently walking the earth with your head held high? Do you undermine your intuition and be mean to your body? You’re likely working hard, but giving yourself little credit for all you do, nor taking downtime for your own pleasure. You keep hoping that in the future you’ll feel better about your body and more confident in who you are, but in the meantime you’re suffering.

I used to be in those same shoes. I had a soap opera worth of drama in my head and I’d never even heard of self-compassion. I unconsciously equated criticism with love as that’s what I’d grown up with.

Since then I’ve come so far! I now feel connected to my innate and indisputable value and worth that doesn’t need to be proved to anyone. I feel authentically confident. I feel guiltless and shameless to enjoy food, my life, and my female body, including my sensuality and my sexuality. I have compassion for my imperfections.

What turned me around was the discovery of what I call Erotic Innocence. When I learned under the heavy burdens of the shame and guilt I’d been carrying since childhood, and trust my body’s instincts for feeling good, everything changed, and it can for you too.

And if that sounds easier said than done, don’t worry, I’ll show you how… 
Best of all, I am no longer fighting my female body. She and I are in sync. Plus, I have a tribe of female friends who are on the same wavelength to share my life with. I’m excited to share with you how to make the same true for you ...
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Be in love with how you feel in your female animal body.
Feel nourished by and at peace with food.
Be confident in who you are & what you project to the world.
(including a dance party)
• How I overcame a decade of binging and compulsive eating to reach peace with food, and be able to eat anything I want without deprivation or stress. 

• How to develop self-confidence, self-worth, and self-compassion so that you can face the world with power and grace. 

• How to feel at home in your body and in tune with your sensuality. 

• How to embrace your natural born birthright to experience pleasure in your female animal body in all the important areas of life. 

• How to feel connected with other like-minded women so you never have to do it alone. 

Free Webinar
Pre-Valentine Self-Love Party
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
7:00 PM - 8:00PM (EST)

RSVP here: