Sensual Life Activation Masterclass
Leading transformational teacher, Jena La Flamme presents...
Release the stress, turn on your feminine power & transform your body, your marriage & your confidence!
April 23 and 24 (Tuesday & Wednesday)
2 PM PST  •  5 PM EST    10 PM UK
 Release the stress, turn on your feminine power & transform your body, your marriage & your confidence! 
 April 23 and 24 (Tuesday & Wednesday)
2 PM PST  •  5 PM EST    10 PM UK
In this free masterclass, you will:
 Discover your capacity for radical pleasure – in work, play & daily life {WITHOUT SHAME or GUILT}! 
 Embody softness & sensuality, yet feeling invincible – a sexy matriarch
 Feel fully alive, balanced & unashamedly feminine & confident 
 Reconcile the apparent conflict between sexual power & executive power
Here’s what my community has to say...

About Jena la Flamme

I'm a leading Sacred Sexual Empowerment mentor and transformational teacher.

My teachings show that pleasure is not a contradiction to a healthy, fulfilled life, but an absolutely necessary, essential ingredient. My mission is to spread the knowledge that our bodies are sacred and so is our pleasure, sensuality and sexuality. I've seen over and over that when we embrace these dimensions of ourselves with trust, self-love and dedication, that our lives flourish.

Through my private coaching and group programs, I help women like you reconnect with your body as a wise, intelligent, intuitive, pleasure-loving animal.

But it wasn't always this way... I used to despise my body and was highly suspicious of pleasure in general. Things changed when I discovered that my issue wasn't that I was having "too much" pleasure, it was that I wasn't having enough!

I learned to trust the wisdom of my body and to trust pleasure, including my sensual and sexual appetites. I came to peace with food, and my body confidence soared. Now I fully enjoy my sensuality and sexuality, without shame or guilt!

Since embracing pleasure as a discipline and guiding principle in my life, I’ve devoted myself to showing women around the world how to be in tune with the innate, pleasure-loving, sensual wisdom and sexual genius of their bodies. I’m here for you too.

© 2024 Jena la Flamme
© 2024 Jena la Flamme